Encourage your child to talk to you about fun and easy topics. Try not to react in a negative way. The cause of sudden onset stuttering is either neurogenic (meaning the brain has trouble sending signals to nerves, muscles or areas of the brain that … Stuttering is different from repeating words when learning to speak. Know why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean. var w = window, d = document; Send thanks to the doctor. In addition to taking note of how stutter-like disfluencies sound, it is also very important to be aware of any emotional reactions that your child may demonstrate in response to his or her stuttering. Wait for your child to say words or sentences without saying them for him or her. Doctors and scientists aren't completely sure why some kids stutter. Stuttering, or stammering, is a speech disorder that causes people to repeat or prolong words, syllables, or phrases. Kudos for you for caring!! Many believe that stuttering may be genetic. Approximately 5 to 10 percent of all children will stutter for some period in their life, lasting from a few weeks to several years. Symptoms of stuttering may vary throughout the day and in different situations. When children are learning how to communicate, many will experience some forms of speech breaks during their development. Wait till the child turns three before taking an expert's opinion. s.setAttribute('src', '//c1.rfihub.net/js/tc.min.js'); It may be passed down from parents to children. What Causes Stuttering? Every word that you speak is preceded by thousands of neuromuscular events. Neurogenic stuttering – This is a slight delay or problem with the nervous system. Did You Know Some Halloween Candy Is Better for Your Kid’s Teeth? Doctors don't know the exact cause of stuttering. Possible causes include the following: Family history. This is when children are starting to combine words and make longer sentences. Their difficulty is known as developmental stuttering. If your child is making the vowels are the words longer. Your best source of help for stuttering, especially with a young child is The Stuttering Foundation of America. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); This may help him or her to also speak slowly. Stuttering — also called stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder — is a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech. I am really unsure how to deal with this as a) I dont want to make him to make him self … According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), stuttering affects about 5 to 10 percent of all children at … _rfi('setArgs', 'ver', '9'); , St. Louis Children's Hospital. As a symptom of stammering, children may still have sudden pauses at the beginning of the word, or a separate syllable. Stroke is The Main Cause of Neurogenic Stuttering. The child with severe stuttering may also use extra sounds like “um,” “uh,” or “well” … 19 years experience Pediatrics. Here are some factors, which may indicate that your child is at greater risk: It is important to note that stuttering is highly variable in its nature and frequency among children and even within the same child. 7. In addition to world-class patient care, our physicians participate in research and teaching and have received top national honors in their fields. All of these behaviors usually occur when children are acquiring the complex skills involved with learning to talk. Parents are often very accurate when identifying those behaviors that do not seem typical. Even if your child's stuttering is never "cured," he can continue to improve his speech patterns and lead the life he wants. It's estimated that stammering affects around 1 in 100 adults, with men being around 3 to 4 times more likely to stammer than women. Stuttering is a speech problem. w['_rfi'].commands.push(arguments); Stopped or blocked speech. If the symptoms last for 3 to 6 months, he or she may have developmental stuttering. Approximately 1 percent don’t outgrow it and continue to stutter as adults. Moreover, some of the struggle and tension may be heard in a rising pitch of the voice during repetitions and prolongations. Psychogenic stuttering is not common. (function() { There is no cure for stuttering. The specialist will: Treatment will depend on your child’s symptoms, age, and general health. Different techniques are used to teach your child skills that can help him or her speak without stuttering. In those cases, the speech does not sound struggled or forced, there is typically no awareness on the child’s part, and the flow of talking does not appear to be seriously impeded. Set time aside to talk with your child. Stuttering usually starts between the ages of 2 and 5, but it can arise anytime before the teenage years. If you are concerned about your child’s stuttering, talk to his health care provider or other … Stuttering affects people of all ages. Neurogenic stuttering may happen after a stroke or brain injury. [CDATA[// >