Senate Election 1914, That is, if you set a convection oven for 350, it might actually set itself to 325 to compensate. We try to cooked pizza from the IKON Convection Oven and it's worked. Step 1 Prepare food items as you would for a conventional oven. Now, making the dough is where the hard work comes in. BAKE. Use the ovens to get top-rated dishes on the dinner table tonight. (204°C) (convection oven to 350° F.) (277°C) 2. With today’s fast-paced lifestyle, versatility and convenience in the kitchen have never been more important. Allow the pizzas to cook for 23 to 27 minutes; ovens vary in temperature. Convection Roast: This mode is ideal for large roasts, turkeys, trays of vegetables, and casseroles that require color on top and all around. gtag('js', new Date()); Divide the dough into two balls, cover each in plastic wrap, and let stand for an additional 20 minutes. Page 1 This CookingGuideis a quickreferencefor usingsomeofthe featuresofthe new Microwave Ovenand its uniqueconvection, g rilling and combination features.See the Owner'sManual for additionalinformation. It worked better than the microwave alone because the pizza was crisper. Although many cooks enjoy the tactile process of kneading by hand, it does require strong arms and hands. Because dry hot air is blowing directly on the food, your dishes will cook about 25 percent faster in a convection oven. .wf-active .logo-text,.wf-active h1,.wf-active h2,.wf-active h3,.wf-active h4,.wf-active h5,.wf-active h6{font-family: 'Overlock';}.wf-active #main-nav .main-menu > ul > li > a{font-family: 'Pontano Sans';}#main-nav .main-menu > ul > li > a{font-size: 14px;}#tie-body{background-color: #ffffff;background-image: url(;background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed;}.brand-title,a:hover,#tie-popup-search-submit,.components button#search-submit:hover,#logo.text-logo a,#tie-wrapper #top-nav a:hover,#tie-wrapper #top-nav .breaking a:hover,#tie-wrapper #main-nav .components a:hover,#theme-header #top-nav .components > li > a:hover,#theme-header #top-nav .components > li:hover > a,#theme-header #main-nav .components > li > a:hover,#theme-header #main-nav .components > li:hover > a,#top-nav .top-menu .menu > li.tie-current-menu > a,#tie-wrapper #top-nav .top-menu .menu 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