I hope you get one started this summer! Its average spread is between 20.00 to 50.00 feet. My best advice is to contact your local or regional agricultural county agent. I love mimosas too! If there's a way to do anything regarding plants of any kind, they will know it. Buds are mostly embedded in the branch with only the tips protruding. I'm wondering what has happened to them. If the land is developed into a housing project for example, every tree, or nearly every tree, regardless of age or type, will be taken out and destroyed. Please do contact your county ag agent. I wish I could tell you if the roots of your trees will damage the foundations or floors in your buildings, but I honestly do not know. If so, are there any rules or directions to get a good start? But I smile every morning as I wake up, walk out for coffee, and enjoy my neighborhood mimosa tree. It may need some nourishment as well, and your ag agent can give you info on what to feed it. it hasnt flowered or seeded yet to aid in indentifying it. Joe Fain, thank you for sharing your thoughts. If one mows their yard regularly, just mow those little trees at the same time and their kept from growing where they aren't wanted. I suggest you save time by calling first, to determine which of their departments deals with trees. Its average height is between 20.00 to 40.00 feet. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 05, 2016: J.Stone, thank you for sharing your experience with mimosa trees. Rake the pods up regularly to prevent anyone from putting them in their mouths. It is very pretty! Locate the phone number and physical location of your specific county agent by putting the words, "county agricultural extension office," or "county agricultural agent," in the Google search box. Weed killers do more than just kill weeds -- at least in my experience, and they end up in the storm drains and next they're on your dining room table. I would recommend that you contact your country agricultural agent. There was also a very straight tall mimosa about a block from where I lived. Please tell me it is not dying! I recommend you contact your country extension service agent who has free information relating to all plants and trees common (and not so common) to your area. These trees are prone to damage from disease and insects. I like to read the comments on an article as it seems you do too, and so I think your comment will serve your concerns well without my adding anymore stern warnings. Yes, during certain seasons the mimosa can be a little messy, but there are lots of trees that are even messier. I do find these trees pretty. Terrible Tree #1 -- Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) What's wrong with it: Weedy, short-lived, insect- and disease-prone, invasive roots, unattractive most of the year. I fell in the snow and received a "thorn prick" in my right hand from this tree when I was seeking something to brace my fall. Some information states that the seedpods are often used as livestock feed while other information says the seedpods and seeds are the most noxious part of the plant, and can, at the extreme, cause death. While I respect those that value the mimosa so long as it is grown with care and not allowed to grow wild, it grows like a weed here in PA. My next store neighbor had a fully grown one until he removed it about a decade ago. Water your little tree at least a couple of times a week, about a gallon's worth (more as it gets bigger), and hopefully it will perk up. Here mimosa trees grow like weeds with no issues. You might consider warm water for a longer period then 24 hours. My grandfather truly despised them, however, and said they could root anywhere, to include IN the shingles of the roof, inside cracks of concrete without soil, and directly next to other trees or structures. I think there are often exceptions to many rules . That is because the bipinnate leaves fold up at night and during rainstorms. Fully mature thorns are brittle, and are usually ash gray in color. If the seedlings are mowed regularly (every year or two) they are (IMO) easily managed. The pink flower of the Catclaw mimosa belies the thorns that the stem has. Has the thorns gotten any bigger. Between cuttings, you may want to check for new fallings of seedpods if you have pets or young children prone to putting the seedpods in their mouths. I love mimosas and none of these other trees even capture my attention, though as I said, they are very pretty, and probably less messy too. In the begining of the article it is said that seeds are used as feed for livestock, then at the end you say it is poisonous!! we had gathered a bunch of seeds while on a trip to key West. Such beauty to behold! It keeps getting bigger and bigger but blooms every year. The tree was there, but the shade wasn't! Only a few leaves. Make sure to give the tree plenty of water when you transplant it and for several weeks after. Thanks, Mia. Totally different from the mimosas that had sprawling branches that are most common where I live. Others near wild cherry and mulberry under large pine. I often wish I could have gotten a photo, but it probably would not have turned out well in such low light anyway. I have one in my yard but I haven't downloaded my camera yet. FW Sunshine from Paris, France on August 12, 2018: Thank you for your article. Thank you for the wonderful information! The flowers are white and grow in clusters, and the fruits are small, 2 to 4.5 mm wide, 5 to 7 mm long. The leaflets are Mimosa, 20 - 25 feet. I have lived in 5 different states exposing me to the various problems that tend to be common in a particular area while not being a problem anywhere else. It is a "severe" threat in GA, FL, TN and "significant" threat in SC, KY, and VA. http://www.invasive.org/south/seweeds.cfm http://www.na.fs.fed.us/fhp/invasive_plants/weeds/... May I suggest two edits to the main article to help with responsible horticulture: 1) Add a disclaimer plainly stating that mimosa/silk tree is non-native to the US and may be locally designated as invasive or noxious. Two mimosa trees were planted by my grandmother, Julia Hotz, at 433 Gray Blvd., in East St. Louis, Illinois, in 1936, and they are still alive and thriving. I wish I could offer a solution other than removing the tree, but I honestly can't. The only things I can suggest is that you check with your local nurseries if you are in the South where mimosas are most common -- they may be able to order them if they aren't in stock, and that you check on nurseries online. I'm afraid I don't know of any way to prevent the tree from producing seedpods. Wherever the seed pod lands, a mimosa tree is likely to sprout and start growing. It seems there is more than one kind of mimosa. Or, better yet, prevent it from making pods after it blooms? Answer: I recommend you contact your Clark County agricultural extension service. On morning walks, girlfriends and I would know when we were a couple houses away from a yard with a mimosa tree; at the height of the blooming season, the fabulous aroma would almost knock your socks off. I noticed it when I was going to park under one of the trees that provided enough shade for 4 vehicles. I would always recommend anyone with questions about plants or trees and a great many other things as well, contact their local extension office for information, as there is no charge and the agents there are brimming over with excellent information. The mimosa tree is cold weather tolerant and has been known to survive temperatures as cold as -25 degrees Fahrenheit. I know that's still a little south of Michigan (I'm originally from WI, and I know how cold it can get up in that part of the country), but I think if you plant your mimosa in a somewhat sheltered area, maybe where some stands of other trees can surround it on 2 or 3 sides, it may do OK. Once it gets well rooted, I think from what people are reporting in the comments here, even the cold may have a challenge trying kill it. The leaves are alternate, and both compound and double compound leaves on the same plant. TimPearce3, thank you for commenting, though I must say I think you are exaggerating just a bit. Is this normal? C E Clark (author) from North Texas on December 02, 2017: Nilza, thank you for commenting and sharing that information! C E Clark (author) from North Texas on April 09, 2019: Robert Sacchi, you are welcome. We also have more thorns and briars on various foliage and trees than you can imagine. Googling your extension service should give you their phone number and physical location if you aren't already aware of it. The seedpods are poisonous at all times and the seeds within are even more so. A Madagascar native and common houseplant known as the crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii) secretes a latex sap when damaged. I saw my first Mimosa tree yesterday, actually it was in bloom. Hummingbirds, butterflies, deer, birds, and bees, all love mimosa trees. They need to be removed from the pod. I would love to have one of these in my yard now that I know the name. Do not assume an older child, or even an adult, who may be unfamiliar with mimosa trees, knows not to do so. They aren't easily replaced, because it takes years to get them that big. The USDA Forest Service and ecology experts agree that it out-competes native species and threatens habitats. For the best answer, contact your county agricultural extension office. They are absolutely beautiful trees! New sprouts shoot up from every piece of root multiple times a year & I just keep ripping them off! I had never heard that this can be a threatening, invasive species. Nichole, thank you for commenting. Susie Lehto from Minnesota on August 20, 2016: I am so glad I visited this article, because I have wanted to know the name of these "mimosa trees" for several years, ever since I first saw some. Sumac, additionally understand as Stag Horn tree, lower back 20 - 25 feet. I heard it never gives the same colour, the flowers are always yellow & pink ones are rare variety. Again, I do not recall any volunteers. Your tax dollars pay their salaries, etc., so take advantage of their expertise. Because even though they grow like weeds and are hard to kill, they are generally a weak tree. Glad you have a starting point. Common Name: Mimosa. Answer: Mimosa trees (also called silk trees) can and do live in Florida. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 12, 2017: JoAnne, thank you for taking the time to tell me and my readers about your beautiful mimosa tree and it's history. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on May 09, 2015: Shyron, thank you for sharing this article and for the votes. I live out in the country no sidewalks but the side yard has no trees whatsoever. Please confirm. Check with your county agent if you haven't already to see if there's something you haven't tried yet. I just hope it flowers or makes a seed pod this year so we can narrow it down. The flowers look like little puffballs and resemble those of the cultivated mimosa tree, which are in the same family. It has small mimosa type leaves, but sharp thorns/needles. Unless you have a huge front lawn. Removing a mimosa tree or a clump of them, is no bigger problem than removing a 100-year old live oak tree. You would put the name of your county and your state in place of the one's I've used, of course. You may want to mark this solved for now, and when it blooms, reopen the thread and post pictures. Love mimosa trees, they are beautiful, in my area I haven't noticed any spreading like weeds, central North Carolina. We have a large memosa which is lovely except for the seed pods. If you are able to obtain mimosa seeds fairly easily without having to purchase them, it wouldn't hurt to try to grow them in a pot or potting soil mixed in with your regular soil in the ground. Enjoy those cooler temps up in your part of the state. Their advice is professional and free. In any case, I wish you luck in resolving this problem. Since then I always wanted one of my own. You may be able to get the info you need with just a phone call. Question: When do you plant a mimosa tree from the pot that it came in, into the ground? Never having purchased seeds of this sort, or trees generally, there is no particular nursery I can recommend. I love mimosas and I can't imagine why anyone would want to obliterate them. yes you can mow them, but they grow back. the thorns are wicked! & Boatwr. The trees can spread seeds quite thickly so that dozens of little trees will get started. They too grow up like weeds and they are relatively weak so that the slightest wind can damage them or bring their branches down. Thanks again I will continue to check this site for additional comments. i heard that there is suppose to be a tree that gives the mimosa a virus that kills it. The flowers and leaves are not toxic and some people cook them and eat them like vegetables or make tea from them, but avoid the seedpods and seeds. Its specific epithet comes from the Persian word. It does not grow into trees or bushes and remains fairly close to the ground, usually three to four inches high, but rarely as much as 12 inches high. https://www.unce.unr.edu/counties/clark/. than Texas. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on August 06, 2019: Jonathan Dent, thank you for your question. I have about 200 mymosa trees growing in my yard from the pods that drop onto the ground. At least one commenter suggested Mountain Ash. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on August 24, 2016: Colorfulone, thank you for reading and commenting! You do have to be vigilant in not letting them take root where you don't want them. Question: Is the mimosa strigillosa also called a “sensitive” plant? The reason I say you may be spoiled is because here in Texas there are lots of problems relating to climate and other naturally occurring things. My friend seems to think that the seed pods produced by the mimosa tree is a food source for lawn moles and grubs. Also, John Minton, Gardens of Tomorrow has issued the warning about the seed pods being poisonous. Identification: Mimosa is a deciduous tree that may reach 50 feet in height. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on October 17, 2018: Thank you Peggy Woods, for revisiting this article. My thought was some kinda Crown of thorn (tree) but the thorns get much longer on them. I have a few that were left to grow in the flower beds around the house when my sister in law lived in this house & I have cut them down, dug up as much root as possible & sawed huge hunks of the roots out & still cannot kill it! :). They used to be everywhere in late spring/early summer. I also recall that we used the seeds often for crafts, staying away from all the oleanders which were touted as poisonous. This small to medium-sized fast growing Mimosa Tree displays the most beautiful pink flowers in the depths of summer. I admit, it is a little annoying to have to rake up the flowers and seedpods when they fall, but the flowers are worth it. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on September 27, 2014: Diane Ayers, thank you for stopping by. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on December 14, 2016: Mostafa Shaheen, thank you for reading and commenting on this article. I have seen homes with front yards half the size of a football field, no kidding, and one could put theses trees all over an area that big that has no concrete work to close with no concern. my neighbor has mimosa tress....they suck!! The main branches had worm holes in them. I'm not aware of the leaves folding from being touched by squirrels or birds, but they may. The soil may be a problem also. These thorns work as a defense mechanism for acacias grown in dry environments. It's free and s/he will know everything about the trees/bushes/plants that grow in your area and how to discourage or encourage them, depending on your desire. Why? Mimosa trees can grow in a variety of soils, produce large seed crops that travel and spread easily by wind and water, and re-sprout when damaged. Many mimosa trees get much bigger than this one. Problem is that it close to the country road and also has power lights from the road to my house growing thru it so I have to trim it from time to time although I don't want to. http://www.regionalconservation.org/beta/nfyn/plantdetail.asp?tx=Acacpine. The seeds are 8 to 12 cm long twisted pods. The hottest part of our summer and someone all but killed that poor tree and did the same to the others in that area of the shopping center. Mimosa with pink flowers blooming in the middle of hot summer days & it's gorgeous canapé providing us with much needed shade. Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), also known as thorny locust or thorn tree, is a medium sized tree with pleasing, graceful foliage. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on June 02, 2020: C E Clark (author) from North Texas on August 18, 2019: Janie, thank you for your inquiry. I have a beautiful Mimosa that is very special to me as my late dad dug it up from his yard and gave it to me 40 or more years ago when my husband and I bought our home. They provide a free service provided by the county's tax dollars. I had NO idea they could be harmful. Thank you for the article and information. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on October 20, 2015: Peggy W., thank you for commenting, and for sharing this hub! I shall check with our extension service to see if it is ok for planting here in Michigan. On June 15, 2020: Mia, thank you for your inquiry will not bloom until it 40! Roots, but now it seems to dismiss the severity of the mimosa tree originally... It flowers spread quickly thought it must be taken into consideration zarina Jeena on October 06 2019. 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