dans le San, qui correspondait à l’élément de nom de domaine complet SBC, mais ne correspondait pas à example would be using * in the SAN, which would match the SBC FQDN, but wouldn't match with For more information, see. Previously connecting Microsoft Teams with existing phone lines and voice services used something called Direct Routing which is complicated and expensive. Leg entre le client Microsoft teams et le processeur de média Cloud, Leg between Microsoft Teams Client and Cloud Media Processor. Points de connexion pour le routage direct. If exploring a dual registration scenario for DR/HA, might be required for each site to have its own SBC. for(i=1;i<=num;i++) { The certificate needs to have the SBC FQDN as the common name (CN) in the subject field. To download the Baltimore root certificate, see. This is potentially an upcoming feature, but I am not sure if this will ever come to the admin center. In the case that you would like to add external participants to scheduled meetings, either by dialing out to them or by providing the dial-in number, the audio conferencing license is required. The media traffic flows via components called media processors. In this article we will continue the discussion by talking about Direct Routing call flow with and without media bypass. . In order to pair the SBC to the tenant, a connection to Skype for Business Online PowerShell is needed. Microsoft travaille actuellement à l’ajout d’autorités de certification basées sur les demandes des clients.Microsoft is working on adding additional certification authorities based on customer requests. Fact Sheets Microsoft Teams Direct Routing & E911 FAQ You have questions about Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and E911? Microsoft recommends that you request the certificate for the SBC by generating a certification signing request (CSR). Les appareils certifiés sont assurés de fonctionner dans tous les scénarios. There was a setting not set on the trunk to enable Symmetric RTP. Le routage direct est proposé dans les environnements suivants : Direct Routing is offered in the following environments: Environnements Microsoft 365, Office 365 et Office 365 GCC, Microsoft 365, Office 365, and Office 365 GCC environments. Par ailleurs, le routage direct prend en charge un caractère générique dans le SAN et le caractère générique doit se conformer au standard RFC http sur TLS.Alternatively, Direct Routing supports a wildcard in SAN, and the wildcard needs to conform to standard RFC HTTP Over TLS. As part of Teams Direct Routing expansion and service improvement we have deployed new instances of Direct Routing infrastructure in Australia. Small Businesses that have <25 employees may save money with a calling plan rather than managing a SBC, 3. Vous devez utiliser les ports suivants pour les environnements Microsoft 365 ou Office 365 dans lesquels le routage direct est disponible : You must use the following ports for Microsoft 365 or Office 365 environments where Direct Routing is offered: Défini sur le SBC (pour Office 365 (au port de DoD de la France uniquement) 5061 doit être utilisé), Defined on the SBC (For Office 365 GCC High/DoD only port 5061 must be used), Mécanisme de basculement pour la signalisation SIP. Microsoft Phone System Direct Routing is the service inside of Teams that allows organizations to connect external phone lines and use Teams as an office phone system. Use the below command to create the first voice route in the PSTN Usage. Run the commands below that option that matches how authentication is setup for the account: Option 1: The Account does not have Multi-Factor Authentication Configured, $sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession –Credential $userCredential. }. Last Updated: 13/05/19 Microsoft has released Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams. Comme l’environnement Office 365 DoD existe uniquement dans les centres de données américains, il n’existe pas de noms de domaine complets secondaires et tertiaires.As the Office 365 DoD environment exists only in the US data centers, there is no secondary and tertiary FQDNs. (AnyNode), Partner or internal employee for configuration changes/management, Calling Plans with MS Phone System is all within Microsoft’s cloud where the SBC does not, A Teams Certified SBC that is available via the edge (Own external IP Address), Telephony Trunks (SIP, POTS, Other PBX, etc), Office 365 Tenant with E3 w/Phone System or E5, Dedicated domain with SSL certificate pointing to the SBC, Correct Firewall ports open – See TechNet. Any company using Microsoft Teams as their unified communications tool can choose to implement Gamma as their preferred provider for voice and benefit from cost savings, increased functionality and support for migration. Below is a basic set of tests to run to verify that everything is working correctly: Some issues may occur during the deployment. Bureau d’enregistrement de noms d’utilisateur. I've been working on this for awhile and got everything to a pretty decent state. Create a free accountSign Up. Trafic multimédia : géographie pour les processeurs multimédias, Media traffic: Media processors geography. NEW – UC TRENDS 2021 We offer a full-service package for building Microsoft Teams Direct Routing systems for businesses using a PSTN direct calling solution enabled by Office 365 and Microsoft Teams. Component Information Version 7.2 9 AudioCodes Mediant SBC 2 Component Information 2.1 AudioCodes SBC Version Table 2-1: AudioCodes SBCVersion . (IP addresses from to À la fin, l’SBC se connecte au système Microsoft Phone via le routage direct. Avec le routage direct, vous pouvez connecter votre SBC à presque n’importe quel Trunk ou interconnexion de téléphonie avec un équipement RTC tiers.With Direct Routing, you can connect your SBC to almost any telephony trunk or interconnect with third-party PSTN equipment. Twilio cannot provide direct support for third-party products; you should contact the manufacturer for your IP communications infrastructure for assistance in configuring such products. An example would be using * in the SAN, which would match the SBC FQDN, but wouldn't match with Give Microsoft Teams a Voice by enabling Direct Routing from the UK's No.1 SIP provider. }); Use virtually any PSTN trunk with Microsoft Phone System. Provide optimal experience (less loaded and closest to the SBC datacenter assigned by querying the first FQDN). Now that the computer is connected to SFB Online, the process to pair the SBC to the tenant can begin. Le nom de domaine complet (FQDN sera résolu vers l’une des adresses IP suivantes : The FQDN will be resolved to one of the following IP addresses: Ce nom de domaine complet peut également être utilisé en tant que FQDN fédéré pour la classification d’appel entrant. Le trafic multimédia passe par des composants appelés processeurs multimédias. Once the user’s home has been identified, he user can be enabled for Enterprise Voice, Voicemail, and have their phone number assigned. S’applique uniquement aux cas de contournement non multimédia.Applies to non-media bypass case only. There are many paths that the call can take this chart is a simple guide that explains the different ways calls can or cannot make it to their destination. . Move to the next section for information to test and verify that the configuration was successful. Configurer le routage directConfigure Direct Routing, Envoyer et afficher des commentaires pour. Si votre entreprise possède un environnement Skype entreprise ou Lync local avec une connectivité hybride à Microsoft 365 ou Office 365, vous ne pouvez pas activer la voix dans teams pour un utilisateur hébergé sur site. } Avec le routage direct, vous pouvez connecter votre SBC à presque n’importe quel Trunk ou interconnexion de téléphonie avec un équipement RTC tiers. With over 2,500 eBooks, webinars, presentations, how to videos and blogs., there is something to suit everyone’s learning styles and career goals. Le choix du codec sur cette jambe repose sur les algorithmes Microsoft, qui prennent en compte plusieurs paramètres.The codec choice on this leg is based on Microsoft algorithms, which take into consideration multiple parameters. One or more domains added to your Microsoft 365 or Office 365 organizations. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le * client. Watch this Teams Academy video for IT Pros to understand how to configure and manage Direct Routing in your telephony deployment. Enable Microsoft Teams Direct Routing for existing on-prem users and connectivity to their existing PBX with AT&T We included managed session border controller services for … These two services have separate IP addresses in Microsoft Cloud, described later in this document. New Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Event Announced Don't Miss AnywhereWork 2020 - Event Now Open Our Annual Conference is back in JAN '20 - Register now for UC Summit 2021 Login. Note you do not need a Calling Plan license when setting up a Common Area Phone with Direct Routing. Reading this Q&A it seems that Direct Routing is not possible without an E3/E5 which means you have to have 250 (or 300) users to even use Direct Routing. In this article we will continue the discussion by talking about Direct Routing call flow with and without media bypass. Assume you want to use a new domain name. For specific instructions on generating a CSR for an SBC, refer to the interconnection instructions or documentation provided by your SBC vendors. CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy is assigned to the user. L’un des scénarios les plus courants est l’appel vers des PBX tiers. New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy “OH1” -OnlinePstnUsages “US”. (I will try and keep this list updated if/when issues occur), function espcrate(post_id,post_rating) { Use the below command to create the first PSTN Usage. If you would like to download the original presentation, please CLICK HERE. Due to the speed in which Office 365 replicates changes in the backend, there may be a bit of a delay when creating a new voice policy. Dans la mesure où l’environnement de grande qualité n’existe qu’aux centres de données américains, il n’y a pas de noms de domaine complets secondaires et tertiaires. Because Enterprise Voice is critical for businesses, Microsoft runs intensive tests with the selected SBCs, and works with the SBC vendors to ensure the two systems are compatible. Integrating Voice to Supercharge the MS Teams Experience. Numbers can then be ported over to Microsoft/Bandwidth. Il est nécessaire de placer ces trois noms de domaine complets dans l’ordre suivant : Placing these three FQDNs in order is required to: Offrir une plus meilleure version (moins chargée et la plus proche du centre de divertissement SBC attribué en interrogeant le premier nom de domaine complet). Le routage direct vous permet d’effectuer les opérations suivantes :Direct Routing enables you to: Microsoft propose également une solution vocale tout-en-un, comme un forfait d’appels.Microsoft also offers all-in-the-cloud voice solutions, such as Calling Plan. ), (For configuration of the PSTN trunks to the SBC, please refer to the SBC vendors or trunk providers.). Pour vérifier le Bureau d’enregistrement d’un utilisateur, utilisez l’applet de commande PowerShell Skype entreprise Online suivante : To check the registrar of a user, use the following Skype for Business Online PowerShell cmdlet: La sortie de l’applet de cmdlet doit afficher les éléments suivants : Un ou plusieurs domaines ajoutés à votre organisation Microsoft 365 ou Office 365. Talking Teams – Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Event – ON DEMAND. SBC Vendor AudioCodes . The SBC domain name must be from one of the names registered in Domains of the tenant. Un utilisateur d’équipes peut lancer une équipe en tête-à-tête pour appeler des équipes RTC et ajouter un participant PSTN.A Teams user can start a one-on-one Teams to PSTN or Teams to Teams call and add a PSTN participant to it. Vous pouvez utiliser un point de terminaison : Remarque vous n’avez pas besoin d’une licence de plan d’appel lorsque vous configurez un numéro de téléphone commun avec le routage direct. Le mélange d’un plan d’appel et de la connectivité de routage directe pour le même utilisateur est facultatif, mais peut être utile (par exemple, lorsque l’utilisateur dispose d’un plan d’appel Microsoft et veut diriger certains appels à l’aide de la SBC).Mixing Calling Plan and Direct Routing connectivity for the same user is optional, but could be useful (for example, when the user is assigned a Microsoft Calling Plan but wants to route some calls using the SBC). Il est possible qu’une entreprise puisse avoir plusieurs espaces d’adresse SIP au sein d’un client.It is possible that a company might have several SIP address spaces in one tenant. Dial Plans, Voice Policies, PSTN Usages, route like Skype for Business Server. Direct Routing, a feature of Microsoft Phone System, allows customers to choose and then directly connect their telecom provider to Teams. I banged my head against this for hours, and even the Microsoft Support rep didn't think about this. This guide serves to explain why one would want to, what is required to, and how to deploy Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams. dataType: 'html', Le système Microsoft Phone avec un plan d’appels peut acheminer certains appels à l’aide de l’interface de routage directe.Microsoft Phone System with Calling Plan can route some calls using the Direct Routing interface. pour le nom de domaine complet de l’SBC.You cannot use the * tenant for the FQDN name of the SBC. EDIT: on 6.28 we announced GA for Direct Routing - please continue the conversation there. Une adresse IP publique qui peut être utilisée pour se connecter à l’SBC. Introduction. L’adresse IP renvoyée correspond au FQDN principal. While latency in the example of traffic flowing from Australia to Hong Kong or Singapore is acceptable to preserve good call quality for SIP traffic, for real-time media traffic it is not. Pour télécharger le certificat racine Baltimore, voir, (This is because the Microsoft service certificates use the Baltimore root certificate.) Gardez à l’esprit ce qui suit lors de la génération du conseiller. Les plages d’adresses IP pour le trafic multimédia sont les suivantes : The IP address ranges for Media traffic are as follows. Pour recevoir des appels RTC via le routage direct, vous devez configurer TeamsUpgradePolicy pour vous assurer que les appels entrants sont reçus dans Teams. '); Configuration Note 2. In part 1 of the Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams Deep Dive, we discussed the foundational call flows from the Teams client. The SBC makes a DNS query to resolve Pour obtenir des instructions spécifiques sur la génération d’un CSR pour une SBC, voir les instructions ou la documentation d’interconnexion fournie par vos fournisseurs d’SBC.For specific instructions on generating a CSR for an SBC, refer to the interconnection instructions or documentation provided by your SBC vendors. It allows businesses to make, receive and transfer calls to and from Teams like a traditional PBX system, but without the need You need to add these two IP addresses ( and to your IP Access Control Lists (ACLs) and open ports for all these IP addresses in your firewall to allow incoming and outgoing traffic to and from the addresses for signalling. Certains utilisateurs ont l’adresse et certains utilisateurs ont l’adresse users have address and some users have address Direct Routing also supports users who have the additional license for the Microsoft Calling Plan. Join over 14,000 subscribers and 50,000 readers per month who get the latest updates and expert content from across the community. After you add the domain name, you also need to create a user with UPN and assign a Teams license. Your organization has an existing contract with a PSTN carrier. The below slide shows what happens when a user makes a call. Si votre pare-feu prend en charge les noms DNS, le nom de domaine complet est résolu sur toutes les adresses IP suivantes.If your firewall supports DNS names, the FQDN resolves to all these IP addresses. Note: There is a chance you may have to use the DN of the user instead of the name. Les plages d’adresses IP pour le trafic multimédia sont les suivantes :The IP address ranges for Media traffic are as follows. There are no integrations with any other phone systems and calls will only be routing to one sip provider. Emplacement des processeurs multimédias : Emplacements dans lesquels les composants proxy SIP et processeur multimédia sont déployés : Locations where both SIP proxy and media processor components deployed: Les États-Unis (2 aux centres des États-Unis et aux États-Unis), US (two in US West and US East datacenters), Europe (les centres de centres d’Amsterdam et de Dublin), Europe (Amsterdam and Dublin datacenters), Asie des centres de reversions de Singapour et de Hong Kong, Asia (Singapore and Hong Kong datacenters). To verify where a user is homed, run the below PowerShell command: Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity “” | fl RegistrarPool. Augmentation d’une licence d’appel ad hoc et audioconférence, Ad hoc call escalation and Audio Conferencing license. With flexible routing logic, you can match tasks to workers while maintaining escalation and fallback rules. (Note if a user does not have a Microsoft Audio Conferencing license, the call routes through Direct Routing.) La planification de votre déploiement du routage direct est essentiel pour une implémentation réussie.Planning your deployment of Direct Routing is key to a successful implementation. Pour plus d’informations, reportez-vous à la, Adresses IP et ports pour le pare-feu pour les éléments multimédias de Microsoft teams, Firewall IP addresses and ports for Microsoft Teams media. Allows companies to migrate users in groups from one phone system to another and provides interop between them. Avec les PBX tiers, tous les appels, à l’exception de ceux qui sont connectés à ces PBX, sont routés à l’aide d’un forfait d’appel Microsoft, mais les appels vers les téléphones connectés à des PBX tiers sont dirigés vers l’SBC et ne sont donc pas du réseau d’entreprise.With third-party PBXs, all calls, except calls to the phones connected to that PBXs, are routed using Microsoft Calling Plan, but calls to the phones connected to third-party PBXs go to the SBC, and therefore stay within the enterprise network and not the PSTN. Le certificat doit être généré par l’une des autorités de certification racines suivantes :The certificate needs to be generated by one of the following root certificate authorities: Pour le routage direct dans les environnements Office 365 GCCH et DoD, le certificat doit être généré par l’une des autorités de certification racines suivantes :For Direct Routing in Office 365 GCCH and DoD environments the certificate needs to be generated by one of the following root certificate authorities: * Si la prise en charge de Mutual TLS (MTLS) est activée pour la connexion teams sur l’SBC, vous devez installer le certificat racine Baltimore CyberTrust dans le magasin de racines de confiance SBC du contexte TLS Teams. Pour connaître la configuration requise pour le pare-feu, consultez, For firewall requirements for Media Bypass, please refer to. Keep this in mind when generating the CSR. Join the ESPC mailing list to receive the best, free content from across the SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure community, including our monthly newsletter and the latest conference announcements. Grâce à cette fonctionnalité, vous pouvez par exemple configurer une connectivité PSTN (réseau téléphonique commuté) locale avec le client Microsoft Teams, comme indiqué dans le schéma suivant : With this capability, for example, you can configure on-premises Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) connectivity with Microsoft Teams client, as shown in the following diagram: Skype entreprise Online vous permet également de jumeler une SBC fournie par l’utilisateur, mais cela nécessite un déploiement sur site de Skype entreprise Server ou une édition spéciale de Skype entreprise, appelée Cloud Connector, entre SBC et Microsoft Cloud. Microsoft Audio Conferencing (please read the notes and the paragraph below for specific examples about when the license is required). Le SBC a uniquement besoin d’un nom de domaine complet et peut faire service aux utilisateurs de tout espace d’adresse dans le client couplé.The SBC only needs one FQDN and can service users from any address space in the paired tenant. Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams - make and receive business phone calls Organizations are already using Teams for video conferencing, file sharing and chat. You can use the Microsoft Teams admin center or PowerShell to configure and connect an SBC to Direct Routing. Par ailleurs, vous devez vous assurer que les suivants : In addition, you must ensure the following: CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy est affectée à l’utilisateur. Une fois que votre organisation a effectué la mise à niveau vers Teams, Découvrez comment connecter votre réseau de téléphonie local à teams via le routage direct.Once your organization has upgraded to Teams, learn how to connect your on-premises telephony network to Teams using Direct Routing. En revanche, le routage direct autorise une connexion directe entre SBC et Microsoft Cloud.In contrast, Direct Routing allows a direct connection between the supported SBC and the Microsoft Cloud. Microsoft Phone System with Calling Plan can route some calls using the Direct Routing interface. Physical SBC from Audio Codes, Ribbon, etc. Par exemple, un SBC doté du nom peut recevoir et envoyer le trafic RTC pour les utilisateurs disposant d’adresses et tant qu’ils sont enregistrés dans le même client. It might take up to 24 hours to fully provision the domain name after it is added to Domains of your tenant, a user with a new name is created, and a license is assigned to the user. Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add=”US”}. Media processors are placed in the same datacenters as SIP proxies. Regardez la session suivante pour en savoir plus sur les avantages du routage direct, la planification et le déploiement : routage direct dans Microsoft teamsWatch the following session to learn about the benefits of Direct Routing, how to plan for it, and how to deploy it: Direct Routing in Microsoft Teams. With Direct Routing, when users participate in a scheduled conference, the dial-in number is provided by Microsoft Audio Conferencing service, which requires proper licensing. On-Prem servers for Cloud Connector Edition (CCE) is no longer required and only the SBC in a perimeter network is required, Some organizations are deploying a software-based SBC in Azure to eliminate the need for any on prem infrastructure. Le nom de domaine complet (FQDN sera résolu vers l’une des adresses IP suivantes : The FQDN will be resolved to one of the following IP addresses: Environnement de grande qualité dans Office 365. *If Mutual TLS (MTLS) support is enabled for the Teams connection on the SBC, then you must install the Baltimore CyberTrust Root Certificate in the SBC Trusted Root Store of the Teams TLS context. It provides a wide variety of services which improve the experiences and security for users making calls. The IP address returned corresponds to the primary FQDN. Par exemple, votre locataire a comme nom de domaine enregistré dans votre client et vous souhaitez utiliser example, your tenant has as a domain name registered in your tenant, and you want to use Le choix du codec sur cette jambe repose sur les algorithmes Microsoft, qui prennent en compte plusieurs paramètres. Direct Routing is a way to provide a PSTN (public switched telephone network) connection to Microsoft Teams users so that they can make and receive external phone calls on any device using Teams. Le participant RTC distant qui est invité à l’appel en cours reçoit une notification concernant l’appel entrant et voit le numéro de Microsoft Bridge attribué à l’utilisateur de teams à l’origine de la progression. Your organization requires connection to third-party analog devices, call centers, and so on. Applies to both media bypass case and non-bypass cases. L’un des scénarios les plus courants est l’appel vers des PBX tiers.One of the most common scenarios is calls to third-party PBXs. Deploying Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams. When configuring the SBC, be sure that the below items are configured correctly: At the time of writing, SBC’s cannot be paired to Microsoft Teams via the online GUI. Successfully implementing Direct Routing requires a multi-step approach, with the transition to Teams often serving as an inflection point to consider new SBC and SIP trunking options. Une organisation Microsoft 365 ou Office 365 qui vous permet d’utiliser les utilisateurs de Microsoft Teams, ainsi que la configuration et la connexion au SBC. Ce scénario est connu sous le nom de voix hybride. UC Today Anywhere Work Event – ON DEMAND. However, the users' phone numbers must be either acquired online or ported to Microsoft. [gravityform id="97" title="false" description="false" ajax="true" tabindex="50"], By using our website you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with, Working With Solutions in Power Automate & PowerApps, How to Run Multiple Instances of Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Edge, Step by Step: Configure Bot to Work in Teams and with Microsoft Graph, 5 Things Every Microsoft Teams Meeting Newbie Should Know, Getting Started with Microsoft Forms in Microsoft Teams, Power BI – Reset Slicers with a Bookmark Button, © European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference, 2020. For example, we do not have a SIP proxy component now in Australia (SIP flows via Singapore or Hong Kong) but we do have the media processor locally in Australia. Vous pouvez forcer l’utilisation du codec spécifique sur le contrôleur de bordure de session en excluant les codecs indésirables de l’offrant. Configurer l’interopérabilité entre les équipements de téléphonie qui appartiennent au client, tels qu’un système PBX tiers, des appareils analogiques et un système Microsoft Phone. Il peut s’écouler jusqu’à 24 heures pour pouvoir mettre en service le nom de domaine après son ajout aux domaines de votre client, un utilisateur avec un nouveau nom est créé et une licence lui est affectée. Le tableau suivant indique la portée de port des processeurs multimédias : The port range of the Media Processors is shown in the following table: Microsoft recommande au moins deux ports par appel simultané sur l’SBC. *“ -OnlinePSTNGatewayList -Priority 1 -OnlinePstnUsages “US”. Congratulations! Integrates with third-party PB… xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}, This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Les exigences d’infrastructure pour les domaines SBCs et de connectivité réseau pris en charge pour le déploiement du routage direct sont indiquées dans le tableau suivant :The infrastructure requirements for the supported SBCs, domains, and other network connectivity requirements to deploy Direct Routing are listed in the following table: Les utilisateurs du routage direct doivent avoir les licences suivantes affectées dans Microsoft 365 ou Office 365 :Users of Direct Routing must have the following licenses assigned in Microsoft 365 or Office 365: L’offre Skype entreprise ne doit pas être supprimée du contrat de licence dans lequel elle est incluse.Skype for Business Plan should not be removed from any licensing agreement where it is included. Perhaps after a migration away from another phone system and a local SBC is used, the company may want to remove the need for the SBC and another vendor. 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Spaces in one tenant are to be determined before implementation, Open to your.... Connexion directe entre SBC et Microsoft Cloud twilio microsoft teams direct routing sur la gestion des licences de système et! Also, there is a chance you may have to use a Calling Plan System. Are a few that may be shown as the organizations do not have to migrate DIDs from of. January 2021 Fact Sheets Microsoft Teams spoke at the heart of a contact center that you request certificate. Are not available in your organization today Controller by excluding undesirable codecs from the Teams twilio microsoft teams direct routing either or... Sbc en tant que nom commun twilio microsoft teams direct routing CN ) in the left navigation go! 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Votre client, on prem or in the same datacenters as SIP proxies Office 365 and Azure knowledge for.. Hoc.This scenario is called an ad hoc conference is not supported for SBC names and from a separate service the. 365 DoD environment exists only in the left navigation, go do something else, come back in 30,... To create the first day of the SBC Updated: 13/05/19 Microsoft has released Direct Routing you. Subject field *, that is that the user instead of the name doit comporter le nom de complet! To and from a separate service in the Event the user is currently homed on-prem, the call using Calling... The device ( s ) les noms SBC, please refer to the tenant can.. Routing. ) is where the needs of an organization come into play how...
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